A small update for our community and customers

Hello folks, I wanted to share a small update as I have not been able to send or prepare medicines for you people since last few weeks. I also haven’t been able to reply to emails since last couple of weeks. I have more than 400 emails in my inbox so it will take me a while to get back to everybody that is why I am writing this post. Actually I had a small accident to which I had to be hospitalized for a few days. There was an internal abscess that developed pretty fast and I had to get it operated. Now I am healing and will be back to work in a few days fully. I am eager to get back and help my people heal but at the moment I have to give myself a few days. I am really sorry for the delays in your herbs and specially to the ongoing patients. I am very thankful for your concerned emails and messages. It has been overall a rough month of May and I am hoping June will be much better. Please don’t email again and again, give me a few days i will get back to everybody.

7 thoughts on “A small update for our community and customers

  1. Mo

    Thanks for the update. Overall, I’m glad you are ok!!! I am continuing to make progress with the herbal regimen and doing well at the moment.

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