Hello folks I know most of you are busy celebrating new year. It’s been another very busy year for us that is 2023. It has also been a very successful year for our patients as lots and lots of them got rid of their nemesis herpes. A few of them have shared their stories as well with us which can be found in the feedback and comment section here https://naturalherpescure.org/product/dr-sebi-cure-for-herpes-kit/ and on other pages as well.
Now the main reason for this post is to wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year 2024. Enjoy and have a good time but make sure you take care of your health and don’t compromise on the quality of your health. Health is the only wealth you can own, rest all is illusion. I know many of you would be having parties on this occasion but ensure you don’t compromise on your health. Also, all those patients who are undergoing treatment currently make sure that you don’t disrupt your treatment program or disturb your diet schedule during the new year celebration and parties. Don’t too anything stupid and sabotage your hard work of many months. Have a good 2024. Cheers !

Hello i haven’t received any information about my order it’s been 8days.
It should have reached you by now. I have shared an update here for the community. Thank you
Is this page this active?
Yes it is.
Hello i haven’t received any information about my order it’s been 8days.
Your order has been processed and should be shipped in a couple of days. Thank you
Hello, do I need to water fast? And if so, for how long? Or will it just aid in my healing?
It’s good to do initial 14 days fasting but it’s not necessary. If you can do it it’s great. If you can’t it’s alright.