Today I am going to share with the community a great healing Journey of one of our patients who is a 54 years old man who got cured in less than 5 months from herpes. Before going into much details let us have a look at the before and after test reports.
Before Starting The Treatment Report (29-12-2023)

Latest Test Report (01-08-2024)

As you can see, William latest test report is negative. The earlier test report was done in December last year and William came to us late in January. He placed a request on 30th January for herbs. We dispatched his order in Early Feb but due to some weird custom people in Thailand where he lived the order got hold up for many days. He finally started his healing Journey in Mid March. We had conversations every now and then mostly about this queries related to diet like can I have soda or about fridge foods.
Now, early this month he reached out to me with his latest report and giving me the good news. William was feeling really high and extremely happy. I was also very happy to see this progress specially for a 54 year old to get results this fast. As age goes on, the body responds slower to treatments so it made very pleased to see the results. William said he thought he was going to live with this forever so what I have done for him is something he will always be grateful for. That is the greatest reward for the work we do and when I see such results it makes all the painstaking work we do worth doing much more.
Now I am sharing this story with you people is because there are thousands of Williams out there thinking once they have herpes they will never get rid of it ever. This story is going to motivate those thousands and thousands of men and women to do what it takes to change their lives. But at the same time you need to be dedicated and iron strong determined if you want to start this program because then only results will happen for you. Once you start the program there will be a lot of reasons why you would want to quit. The taste the herbs is bitter, the diet is very strict, taking the herbs itself is a task or any other reason that you can find. Success is never served like a pie-cake. It always comes hard and grinding. Take the example of our William here. He followed the program well, made sure he did it right. Asked question when he got confused and had a healthy lifestyle. Most importantly he was rock solid in his head about what he was doing that is what helped him.