Herpes Healing Kit Results & Feedbacks From Our Customers

How effective is your product? Has it helped anyone? Has anyone been healed? Has anyone tested negative?……………These are some of the common questions new customers and healing seekers ask us on a usual basis. That is why we decided to reveal our secrets and findings to the open world. Our herbal kit for herpes has been a lifechanging product for most of our customers and it has transformed their lives. Anybody who doubts the effectiveness of herbal medications, should definitely try our products.

Results ….

More than 80% of our customers have been successful in getting rid of herpes with our herbal kit. For most of them, the ideal time on the program was 6 to 9 months. Most of these customers were quite dedicated to their healing. They followed the advised diet and lifestyle changes and they incorporated Yoga into their lifestyle which aided their healing. Before Covid, our success was more than 84% but after Covid there has been a slight decrease to 80%. There are several reasons for that. The increase in stress levels in Covid times is one of the main factor. Prolonged stress is really bad for healing as it hinders the progress and doesn’t allow the body to harness the full potential of the herbs. That is why it is important to do something that relaxes you and controls your stress and anxiety.

While our program has given outstanding results to most of our customers, for some it has been not that productive. Most of these people are the ones who just tried it for a month or two and then quitted. They found the regime hard to follow or the herbs hard to swallow. For most of these people, we realized our program was not suitable. There is a certain amount of sacrifice required when you are looking to be healed. If you are not going to make any changes, how is the outcome going to be different. Some people want herbs to be like pills so that it becomes easy. Sorry, we can’t do that. For us, the quality of our program is far more important and we are committed to doing everything to ensure best quality results.

However, there have been a few people who have followed the regime and taken the treatment for more than six months but still not desired results. This has been the case for less than 2% of our customers. We have tried to help these people the best way we can, but somehow it has not worked well for them. There was a female patient, who started the treatment and her viral count started to go low. Every month it was going low and she was getting close to getting a negative test results. But she had some surgery without letting us know beforehand and after that her count remained static and her progress was cut short. It is difficult to conclude what really happened but as per our experience and knowledge, during surgery the immunity of our body is low and it gave the virus enough opportunity to gain resistance to our medications. There have been a couple of patients who had outbreaks even after taking our products. There body just didn’t respond to our treatment. But for most of our customers, taking the herbal kit has been a life changing experience. They got rid of outbreaks and got rid of herpes permanently. Our program and there intent made it possible for them to do the impossible and change their lives. We will share some of those successful and thankful emails in the next post.

So, our kit for herpes works for most of the people suffering from herpes. If you want to know if it’s going to work for you, try it out. That is the best way you would know that. But be prepared to make good positive changes into your lifestyle and diet. Otherwise, don’t waste your money Pal.

92 thoughts on “Herpes Healing Kit Results & Feedbacks From Our Customers

  1. STEF

    Hello my partner and I been having the virus for 10+ years, I want to place an order for myself and him but I did have a few questions. 1st question if we both are going through your treatment can we still be sexually active with each other? 2nd question is if we run out of treatment will the gap in between one treatment to the next be a problem? 3rd question is there a diet that we both need to follow in order for the treatment to work? and the last question is how long should we be consuming the treatment for since we have been living with this virus for so many years?

    1. admin

      Hey there. No you should not have sexual relations if both of you are infected during the first few months of the treatment. Ideally you should try not have gap in treatment but a gap of a few days is not a very big problem. Diet is something where you have to make changes.We send you detailed dietary instructions along with the package. For starters, you need to know that meat,fish and eggs are no allowed. So is alcohol or marijuana. A lot of people ask about marijuana so I will again put emphasis on this, marijuana increases pitta in your body and the herpes virus loves aggravated pitta. For further queries do write us to support@naturalherpescure.org

    1. Ginta

      Yeah it has happened with me as well. When I started in the first mnth I had outbreaks one after another. I contacted them and they said that it’s normal because I had stronger strain of the virus and my immune system was relatively weaker. They told me the virus is trying to fight back hard to the medication. Also they made some change to my medication and added some other herbs specifically for me and my situation. After 3rd mnth there were no outbreaks and currently I m into my 5th month.

  2. ALEX

    Hi is there a specific package I should get if I have HPV? I am going to go with your products but just wanna be sure to get the right thing.

    1. admin

      Hey there is no as such specific hpv package listed on the portal. You can do this – order the herpes kit and put a note that you need this for HPV so we will make sure that we make the changes and send you the HPV kit.

        1. Dee

          Can I brew the product through a. Filter in a small coffee pot or is it best to boil over the stove? Trying to figure to best way on the go. I tend to consume mine at work

      1. Louise

        Hi Joe, I have purchased this kit and used it as I was diagnosed with HSV at the start of March, by start of April I was taking the herbs daily, no alcohol, no smoking, no meat, no eggs, small amounts of cheese and no milk and 2 weeks ago I got my negative test results back. It does work, even I thought surely it’s to good be true, but it does work! You just have to be patient and believe in yourself that you will be rid of the virus (the taste is terrible Joe, but you do get somewhat use to it), now I’ve spent the last 2 weeks feeling like I have been given a fresh start at life and so happy!

          1. Louise

            Yes, Negative blood test results, my doctor told me I do not have herpes.
            The herbs are worth it, I know it’s a horrible and stressful time but they work, get them be patient and committed and I’m sure you will get rid of it also

  3. Help private

    Wht if you’ve been tested with igg titer test and they say your positive but the levels are 1.8-3.0 what does this mean bc I keep getting mixed answers saying I have it bc the antibodies are there or there’s other ways to test because the igg test isn’t accurately approved any suggestions or specifics?

  4. Shir

    I just found out I caught the virus in March of this year. Type 2. I have been taking Collidal silver and doing the peroxide with Dmso spray on my spine. I know this sounds strange but I can feel the virus when it goes and comes along my spine and in my fallopian. My question is since I just got and I have never actually noticed any break outs, how long will I need to take this treatment and can I continue taking the Collidal silver and doing the peroxide spray?

    1. admin

      Yes you can continue using them. In your Case it should take slightly less time. Still go for the full duration of six months to leave out any doubts.

  5. Mia

    I want to try this . I believe I will be healed . I’ve been scammed out my money so many times already that I’m scared to try . I’m thinking about trying this .

  6. R

    Hello, the herpes cure is working well for me! 1st 3 weeks I have had no outbreaks on my anal where they have always occurred. Even during the beginning of the treatment when I found it hard to keep consistent with the dosages because of the taste I still noticed no outbreaks that came months near my period cycle. The taste is worth requiring. Unfortunately I may have chlamydia as well… do you recommend an additional treatment to cure the chlamydia or should I take more of the herpes cure treatment to cure both diseases at the same time.

  7. Diesha

    Hello, I have some questions.
    Does this treatment work?
    So many people are affected by this virus.
    It’s a shame that herpes has been around so long and still not a cure. This is so devastating to live daily with this terrible disease. I know it’s a cure out here that can help people suffering. I also take vitamin B12 injection monthly with other vitamins.

    1. admin

      Yes the treatment works for those who are willing to follow it religiously. Vitamin B12 injections are fine along with the treatment but we would suggest to take natural alternatives to injections.

        1. admin

          That’s an outstanding question actually and I am happy to answer that because a lot of new customers have this query. If you are not having an outbreak there is very little chance that these herbs will wake the virus up leading to outbreaks. This can only happen when the strain of the virus is a very strong and it’s trying to fight back against the attack from the herbs. But from my experience I will say there is very very little chance of that happening.

  8. Jamal

    I want to try this, but as a medical doctor myself, I live a fairly stressful life just by nature of my job. I also do some martial arts/weight lifting on the side. Should I even give this a shot? Would training be counterintuitive to this as well?

      1. Jamal

        I take Ashwagandha and melatonin to help sleep. I’ll do BCAA’s before training. I assume discontinue BCAA but are the prior 2 ok? I really appreciate the speedy response you gave me as well. Its very much appreciated.

          1. Jamal

            Fair enough. I’m ordering my kit today and I just got Dr. Sebi’s book delivered today. I apologize for all the questions but thank you for the responses. I also take a daily GNC multivitamin, Nootropics, Collagen peptides, Greens Blend Superfood powder and Fish oil (all daily. I know, I take a lot). To help sleep I’ll sometimes have cannabis on top of the melatonin and Ashwaghanda. That should be everything I take. Are there any more contraindications?

          2. admin

            Cannabis will also be stopped. Don’t worry if needed we will give you some herbs to relax your brain and aid sleep. And they will not be addictive.

        1. admin

          Yes, because protein powders provide herpes virus help in fighting against the medication. There is a deeper physiological function which causes this. Natural protein from veg foods is easily assimilated in the body while protein from protein powders and meat is not fully absorbed by the body and this leads to creation of toxins which aid the virus.

  9. Bill

    Does this really work I’m gonna start my order and stay dedicated to healing my herpes I pray to the man up above that I can really be healed

  10. Uncomfortable

    I’ve been dealing with this very uncomfortable situation for over 30yrs and was always told there was no cure. I’m currently having an outbreak and the only meds I’m using is Super Lysine cream and mixing L-Lysine powder in water. I really want to believe in this kit especially since it’s been in my system for so long. So my question is, has a miracle come to light and will it actually cure me?

      1. Uncomfortable

        Since it’s been 30+ yrs will it take a very long time (years?) to eliminate this invader?
        I ask that due to one of the post inquiring about how long it would be for the 4 months they we’re dealing with it and the response was a couple of months.
        I just want to be free of this and have a real relationship without worry over the next outbreak causing a lack in physical intimacy. I feel like I can’t get personal with someone without this being in the back of my mind. 😔

        1. admin

          Yes it is a long time but it is still possible. You just need to focus on the process. Don’t worry, you can leave the past behind. Just focus on the process one step at a time. And you will also be healed like many other people.

          1. Uncomfortable

            Thank you for the responses. I’ve said my prayers and decided to lay my reservations aside and put forth the effort to be healed, ultimately cured.

    1. admin

      It takes around 7 to 10 days from the date of order to reach you. All the instructions including the diet instructions are sent along with the package. Your order is being shipped as I am writing this reply to you.

  11. Reta

    I’ve been diagnosed with genital herpes and I’m also pregnant and I want to be cured of these disease. Will this treatment really work and cure me?

    1. admin

      Sorry Reta, but don’t take this treatment during pregnancy. Don’t ever take any detox program during pregnancy. But yes, after delivery you can take this treatment.

  12. Jk

    if you had the virus for 4months now, is it still somewhat new in your system to where it could take four months to cure? or will it take 6-8months

  13. JH

    Hey I asked a question back in Jan about the anti viral meds + using the kit together and sent an email. I never got a response….could you check out my comment above and let me know please. I want to get started with the kit asap but need to know this before.

  14. JH

    Do you suggest that a person still take the suppressive therapy meds to avoid outbreaks while utilizing the kit? Or should the person stop use of the medication during the use of kit? Or are both fine at the same time.

  15. Julian Taylor

    hello , i havent been getting any responses to my comments or post.
    is it any reason why? ive been using your product for about 6 months.
    its been hard to stick to the protocol,but i believe your herbs will work.
    Ive gotten better with protocol over the months,any advice from you would be greatly appreciated

    1. admin

      Sorry, somehow we missed your comment. It’s great to know you are doing good. You can email us if you need help with anything. Actually we get like tons of spam comments so it is very difficult to manually filter them out and that is why comments are missed sometimes.

    1. admin

      It would take almost 6 to 8 months to get rid of Herpes Virus. You need to be consistent on medicines plus diet also plays important factor in herpes eradication.

      1. Taj

        What medications do you speak of?
        I thought the list of Dr. Sebi 5 herbs was just all you needed plus a change in debt from meat and processed foods?

    2. admin

      The thing is how do you know that you are knew to the virus. Because you might be having it well before you got tested or had an outbreaks. But if the infection is new, it takes around four months.

      1. Jk

        if you had the virus for 4months now, is it still new to your system to where it will take four months to cure? or will it take 6-8months to cure if you had it for 4months

        1. admin

          It should take lesser time since the infection is new. It is difficult from our end to give an exact time because every body responds differently to the treatment so we shall see. But in cases of newer infections, it usually takes less time.

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