Normally we don’t share individual patient stories in details and we have never done that because we have so many patients and that’s not possible. But this one is special. Today, 8th April 2022 is a proud day and happy day for us, because one of our special customer, who has been with us since 2020 is finally free from Herpes. So, what made her special out of thousands of other patients. She was having a much tougher time trying to get rid of herpes than our normal patients due to some circumstances that we will mention later. This morning we got her email giving us this good news.

Btw, I have not told you guys her name. As you can see in the screenshot from mail server, her name is Olivia. After looking at the mail we were so happy and then we also thought since her story was more tough than average patient, it will be an inspiration for all those people out there struggling and feeling weak. That is why we asked her to share her story which she did on our website. You can read about it here Go to the review section and you can find it there.
Her story is a great motivation for all those people suffering from herpes and trying to get rid of it. Specially for women, because women are slightly more affected and troubled by this disease. And that is why we decided to share her story. I would again ask you guys to see the link above and check out what she has to say in her own words about her Journey.
July 10 was the day she started her Journey with us when she ordered her first Kit. Once she was on treatment, her viral load started gong down rapidly. But she got a surgery done in the middle of the treatment. That really put her off tracks. She only told her that after she saw her viral loads going up. She wasn’t aware it was going to make such a big problem to her treatment. We told her that during and after any surgery there are sort of changes in the immune system, so surgery should not be done within treatment. You can get it done afterwards or before starting the treatment. Anyways, so they she continued on the treatment for a few months but the progress wasn’t that great. Somehow her body was not responding well to the treatment after surgery. Based on our previous experiences with other patients, we advised her to stop the treatment for a few months and start again.
She would regularly email us and we would give her help. We were a bit worried about her because she was a little sad and in a bad mental shape because everything was going great but due to one innocent mistake it all went wrong. But she was determined to go the distance and do whatever it takes. That was something we could see about her. And we were determined to help her. So see started taking the herbal medicines again after a gap of few months. Few months down the line she got tested and now she is finally free from herpes.
I would not like to make this post long but if you want inspiration to get rid of herpes, you should know Olivia’s story. Do check out what she has to say about her Journey. Here is a screenshot also attached about what she said.

You can read it here
I would like to close by saying that if you really want something you got to make sacrifices. Getting rid of herpes is no easy thing. You need to take the right herbal medicines, the right food and the right lifestyle. You need to dedicate yourself to it like this brave lady did. Then only you can expect results.

Herbal remedy for HSV1&2 and genital warts
What’s The Difference Between The Herb Medicine Vs The Pill. Will You Be Able To Have Strength Where The Virus Broke You Down From
Is the kit good for the whole 6 months or do you have to buy more kits
Please refer here
Where can I go to get a viral load test. It seems very difficult to find and I am being told that the PCR is not a viral load test by a testing center. Please help.
PCR test is the best possible test for this in my opinion over the years of experience. There are other tests also for viral loads but they are very expensive and you need to talk to pathology expert in your city.
Ok. Once I stop taking the herbs, does the herpes come back?
Nah, unless you get exposed to her virus or someone who has the virus and come in contact with them.
How long do I have to take the treatment until it gone
See ideal time frame is six months. But if you have a stronger strain of virus and relatively weak immune system it might take longer.
When should I stop taken my medication to reduce breakouts? I have been taking it for years. I haven’t received my kit yet, but I would feel more comfortable continuing to take medication through the process. Is this ok or will this interfere with the cure.
Yes you can take your antiviral medication along with our herbs if that is what you are asking. It doesn’t interfere with it but gradually after couple of months you should stop the antiviral meds.
I just found out Today Nov.21 2022 that i am HSV1 & HSV2 positive. I feel like my future is over, i can not have kids and risk passing it to them or my partner. I am determined to fight and cure these herpes. I am so sad about this. I believe i got them back in July 2022. I am ready to cure them!
Good luck and God Bless You !
Thank you for your “Realness” in living out the legacy, He left behind. There’ are KEY words You say/use that VERIFY ; you truly are living in the ways of the Great Dr Sebi . He cared MORE about YOU! And Your health than he did money! Truly a blessing and inspiration.
Should I stop taking the meds the doctor gave me. Since I just order a herbal kit ?
Yes you can stop.
Does it cure both herpes 1 & 2 or just one or the other
It cures both types of herpes.
So is all the instructions in or on the package, how long will it take to be cured?
Yes, all the instructions are in the package. Time depends patient to patient because everybody is different. Ideally six months is fine.
I don’t believe there is a cure for herpes and I don’t believe this medicine is effective. I really hope that the creators of this website are not scamming people. How can this medicine cure herpes?
It’s fine for you to be skeptical. But the power of herbal medicines can only be understood by those who have experienced it personally. For others who are dependent on pills like acyclovir, they have resigned to the statement that there is no better option. But those who have tried good high quality strong herbs have been cured. There are stories like this all over the internet about the effects of our treatment. There are some listed in our review section also here
Would Oliva be willing to share some of the foods she ate during treatment? Im struggling to find good breakfast while taking the kit. Thanks
Yes, she was following the diet regimen we provided. She takes salads and fruits in the breakfast.
I started the kit 2 weeks ago and am unsure of how many times to take the Dr Sebi powder per day? I know the Tripala is once before bed, but I am not too sure about the other. Also, can you experience outbreaks while on the treatment kit?
You should take the Sebi Powder twice a day. It is mentioned in the instruction sheet. During the start of the program you might get outbreaks when the virus is trying to fight back. It depends person to person.
Thank you so much!
How do you take the medicine with water or ….?
Yes with water.
How long is shipping?
It takes a week to 10 days.
When I get my first order do I to do the process over